4 Things Men Don’t Know About Testosterone

Most of us understand testosterone within the realm of male puberty, strength and libido which are all accurate assumptions but this is just the beginning for this powerful hormone.
Testosterone has a wide range of jobs within the human body from sperm creation, libido, muscle and bone strength, red blood cell production, energy and general health and well-being.
These are cool but we bet you didn’t know about these:
Testosterone production starts in the brain.
The testes make the testosterone but the green light to go into production-mode wouldn’t happen without a small gland in the brain called the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland sends the signal to the testes and once it is created it then circulates through the blood to the rest of the body.
Testosterone can impact your mental health.
It’s not just about helping you get aroused! Testosterone also contributes to how well your brain works. Studies show that men with low testosterone levels for prolonged periods of time can suffer from irritability, increased stress, fatigue, depression and other depressive disorders..
High testosterone is extremely rare.
Unless you’re a body builder taking steroids, it is extremely uncommon for doctors to see elevated testosterone levels. It simply does not occur naturally. If it is occurring and you aren’t taking performance enhancing drugs, it can be a sign of issues elsewhere in your adrenals or event testicular cancer.
If your testosterone is low, you can boost them naturally.
Forget the supplements and wonder powders that claim to increase your testosterone levels, the easiest way to do this is with a healthy lifestyle consisting of:
Great sleep, lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grains, fibre, avoid processed foods, exercise 30 minutes a day, reduce your alcohol consumption and stop smoking.
So, how’d you track? Did you know any of these facts beforehand? It’s important as a man to understand what specifically is happening within your body. This gives you the best tool, information, to make changes to your diet and lifestyle to improve your health outcomes.