Why Tracking Calories is a Better Weight Loss Tool for Busy Men

If you consider yourself a busy person, what is one of the biggest issues you face when it comes to weight loss and being able to stick to a diet plan?
You need a diet that is flexible enough to suit your lifestyle but that still gives you results.
You want to be able to travel, work long hours, have business dinners and bake cookies with your daughter on the weekends without falling off the wagon.
This is where the God-like benefit of tracking your calories comes in to save the day. Why?
- Because tracking solves the actual problem
- You can eat what you want or need to eat
- You’re learning about food and how to make it work for you
Let’s break these down…
Tracking solves the actual problem
Much of the time, the issue with weight loss (most of the time) isn’t WHAT you’re eating, it’s HOW MUCH you’re eating.
You have no clue how many calories you’re eating and end up consuming more than you need to thrive. You wouldn’t allow yourself to spend money without knowing how much you’re spending, so why do it with food?
You can eat what you want or need to eat
Tracking your calories isn’t a diet, it’s a framework. This means that there is no prescription, you can eat whatever you want, provided it’s within your daily calorie target.
This works well for busy people because often you’re not able to have such a rigid structure and your meal prep is left in the work fridge for 3 weeks in favour of a lunch with your boss.
You’re learning about food and how to make it work for you
Tracking your calories is training. Most diets aimed at weight loss are strict and prescriptive (eat this, don’t eat that, here is your plan just follow it) which means you don’t learn anything about what you’re eating, why you’re eating it and how it affects your body.
When you track calories, you’re training yourself to think about portion size, calorie-density, and what works for YOU.
The easiest way to track your calories is by using an app on your phone. MyFitness Pal is one of the most popular and might be a more practical solution to strict diet plans that don’t allow you to ADAPT and live the life you want.